No Need to Say Goodbye!
Stampin’ Up!’s new Annual Catalog (2017-2018) is ready to launch on June 1.  We need to make room for all the new items we have in store for you, so I’m having a Retirement Party Workshop for all the items that will not be featured in the new catalog.  It’s always sad to say goodbye to our favorites, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use your old products for many years to come, it just means that you will be able to get all those sets and products that you were holding off on buying, AND some of them will be up to 50% off.  How great is that? Some items have sold out as the sale is goes through May 31 or  “While Supplies Last”. 
Here are the details on the workshop.  Please RSVP by Friday April 28 to reserve your spot. The workshop is almost 1/2 way filled up.  Don’t miss out!
Date: Saturday April 29, 2017
Time: 12 noon to 5:00 pm
Place: Annabelle’s Stampin’ Studio
Cost: $25
Includes: 5 cards and or projects with all supplies you’ll need to make the projects. Themes will be Mother’s Day, Spring and Gift Packaging. Lunch (drinks and dessert) and Door Prizes! Some previously retired products will be for sale at the workshop.
Please RSVP to 714-401-4054 by text,  comment below or RSVP on Facebook
If you’d like to order off the Retirement List but aren’t able to make the workshop, or if you’d like to see the Retirement list and order now, use Hostess Code Z6CVU4U2 when you visit my online store by clicking the link in my signature line or in my Blog, click the button “Shop” in the right column.
Directions for viewing the Retirement List: Once in my online store click “Retirement List” and view the products in the following categories:
Retiring Stamps (will be produced until May 22)
Retiring Supplies (tools, punches etc.)
Everything Else (paper, ink, embellishments)
Each month I want to feature some amazing cards some of customers have made. When you make your cards or projects don’t forget to text them to me and I will post them here for everyone to see. It gives others some ideas and a little different perspective on techniques and style. 
Love the wine while stamping….from Corina and Lani Razo



From Corina and Lani Razo

Love their display and the coordinating colors!
SAB “Thank You” from Sue Ruttenberg
Looks like a watercolor wash? I love it!


SAB Tasty Trucks from Sue Ruttenberg



So artistic, from the Razo Gals!



Corina and Lani Razo (Love & Valentine’s Day Cards)
I love getting pictures of your completed projects from you.  It shows me that you love what you’re doing and you love to share with others.  That’s how we make a difference at Annabelle’s Stampin’ Studio.
The best place to come and relax, have some wine, create and have a ton of fun, AND it’s cheaper than therapy!
See you soon!
Spread the love!